Articles Containing “Kay Deaux” — 39 result(s)

Why share psychological data? Aren’t there serious obstacles that prevent sharing? And even if we were willing to share in principle, how would we go about doing it in fact? These questions were discussed in

BIODIVERSITY: The variability among living organisms on several levels, including genetic variability within and among species, the variety of species within a region, and the distribution of species within ecosystems.DIVERSITAS: An international program of scientific

Once a year, the APS Board of Directors “retreats” to some distant place to conduct necessary business and discuss “big ideas” related to the future of our organization. Last December, we met in Seattle. The

When Marilynn Brewer attended the first convention of the American Psychological Society in 1988, she thought to herself, “One day, the 100th anniversary of this convention will be celebrated,” as she stood among the potted

When representatives from more than 90 of the world’s leading behavioral science organizations convene a few years before the new millennium, you can expect talk to center around the future. What you may not expect