Articles Containing “Lee McCann” — 13 result(s)

In 1974, I was a young associate professor at Purdue and believed that I was doing just what I was supposed to be doing — teaching large courses, working with students, and conducting research. In

“When the task is done beforehand, then it is easy. If you do it hurriedly and carelessly, it must be hard.” (Cleary, 1989, p. 5) There is much to be gained from preparing for a

Star Wars’ producer, George Lucas, and former Illinois Governor and presidential candidate, Adlai Stevenson would surely have had a lively conversation if able to discuss the place of technology in education! They would be at

He wanted to be called Lunch Box instead of his proper name. When I finished writing something on the board, I would usually turn to see him making a comment to a classmate with a