Articles Containing “Jeremy Houska” — 15 result(s)

2015 Convention Speakers Huda Akil Margarita Alegria S. Bryn Austin Sarah Bannon Daphne Bavelier D. Alan Bensley Peter M. Bentler Catherine Bergeron Guillermo Bernal Karen Bierman Kenworthey Bilz Clancy Blair Sarah-Jayne Blakemore Wiebke Bleidorn Niall

Past APSSC President Kelli Vaughn-Blount leads the Students Teaching Students panel. Each convention, the APS Student Caucus (APSSC) delivers a full slate of student-oriented events for undergraduates and graduate students alike. This year’s program included

Dan Ariely, Duke University, NPR (Marketplace), May 4, 2009: Predictably Irrational. Ozlem N. Ayduk, University of California, Berkeley, The New Yorker, May 18, 2009: Don’t! The secret of self-control Emily Balcetis, Ohio University, Scientific American

By Jeremy Ashton Houska The process of waiting for responses from search chairs and preparing for interviews can be both an exciting and stressful time for academic job applicants. While the prospect of finally “growing