APS Mentorship Program

APS Mentorship Program

The APS Mentorship Program is open to all APS members. APS will support each mentoring pair for the six-month duration of the program. Through the Mentorship Program, APS seeks to foster skills growth, professional development, and a vibrant and multinational community. The program is operated and overseen by the APS Student Caucus (APSSC) Executive Board, elected by the student members of APS.  

The APS Mentorship Program is not accepting any more registrants for the current cycle. The next mentorship cohort signups will open in September 2024!

Who Participates

APS Mentors are:

  • Individuals working in psychological science and related fields 
  • Early-career professionals
  • Individuals retired from psychological science careers

APS Mentees are:

  • Early-career professionals 
  • Graduate students and postdocs 
  • Undergraduate students

All participants must be active APS members and must maintain their memberships throughout the mentorship period.

Why Participate

APS Mentors:

  • Help the next generation of psychological scientists 
  • Share your experience and insights
  • Connect to a network of APS members outside of your current institution

APS Mentees:

  • Gain insights into various career paths and opportunities
  • Hone your professional communication skills 
  • Gain confidence in your scientific and career identity 
  • Develop your professional network with APS members outside of your home institutions

How It Works

  1. Fill out and submit the program registration form
  2. Receive your match
  3. With your partner, create your mentorship agreement
  4. Schedule your first meeting
  5. Meet regularly to work toward the goals outlined in your mentorship agreement

APS Support for Program Participants

APS is pleased to offer a resource library that addresses topics such as navigating your career, skills-building, and professionalism. The APSSC Undergraduate Advocate will check in with program participants every two months to provide additional resources as needed.

Finally, program participants have the opportunity to share experiences, challenges, and successes with the larger APS mentoring community in meetings held twice per six-month cohort. Participants will be invited to contribute questions for discussion to the overall group and share their experiences with mentoring, through APS or otherwise. These meetings will include a speaker with insight on a particular topic related to mentorship.

Important Details

APS will match pairs based on the unique responses individuals provide on their registration forms. As determined by the mentorship agreements made in their first meeting, pairs should meet regularly, address conflicts in a professional manner, and work together to accomplish their goals. Should unforeseen and unresolvable issues or conflicts arise within the mentoring relationship, the APSSC is available to help. All Mentorship Program participants are expected to abide by the APS Code of Conduct at all times. Click the blue “APS Mentorship Code of Conduct” text below to expand and view it.

For more information about the program, please contact the APSSC Undergraduate Advocate at [email protected].

APS Mentorship Code of Conduct