Utilizing Pathway Programs Along Your Academic Journey

Helping others achieve academic success is Dr. Rihana Mason’s passion and raising the awareness of academic pathways for underrepresented minorities is her mission. The co-founder of Academic Pipeline Programs and co-author of the newly published Academic Pipeline Programs: Diversifying Pathways from the Bachelor’s to the Professoriate has established a clearinghouse of resources for students and faculty. These resources also provide support for institutions to successfully implement pipeline programs.

While expanding the use of pipeline programs is the primary goal, Dr. Mason masterfully inspires students to seek out and speak out to gain the support they need and respect they deserve to succeed in any setting along their career journey. Take this opportunity to learn about pipeline programs that are clearing the path towards academic success for URM students and how you can participate and push for progress throughout your own journey.

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Rihana Mason

Georgia State University

With a PhD in Experimental Psychology with an emphasis in Cognitive Psychology from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, Dr. Mason is presently a Research Scientist at the Urban Child Study Center (UCSC) at Georgia State University. The UCSC is an interdisciplinary research center in the College of Education & Human Development at Georgia State University. The UCSC includes several partnerships between the university, education agencies, and relevant community organizations. Dr. Mason is also the current president of the Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA).