Professional Development: Making the Most of Your Mentorship Relationship

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What’s the best way to establish a productive mentoring relationship? Join this workshop to learn how to establish healthy mentoring relationships with crucial boundaries and outcomes from both mentee and mentor perspectives.


Head shot of Bria Gresham

Bria Gresham

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Bria Gresham is a 4th year doctoral candidate at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Bria’s research is centered around neighborhood and community health, including the upstream causes and downstream correlates of neighborhood experiences.

Head shot of James Gross

James Gross

Stanford University

James Gross is the Ernest R. Hilgard Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, where he directs the Stanford Psychophysiology Laboratory. His research focuses on emotion regulation, and he has >600 publications, which have been cited >200,000 times.