New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the distinction between false memory and false belief and how percepts are unified across the left and right visual fields.
Shiffrin, Dosher Receive NAS Atkinson Prize
APS Fellows Richard M. Shiffrin and Barbara Dosher are the recipients of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) 2018 Atkinson Prize in Psychological and Cognitive Sciences for their pioneering work on memory, attention, and learning.
A Memory Shortcut, With a Little Help From Friends
“Always remember everything,” my mother is fond of saying. Of course, as she knows, this is impossible, even with advanced memory techniques. That’s why we take notes and use calendars. These are components of our external
Podcasting a Wide Net
With help from the APS Fund for Teaching and Public Understanding of Psychological Science, Lisa Cantrell’s podcast on psychological research has grown its audience to nearly 20,000 listeners over the last 2 years.
Exploring the Minutiae of Memory
From word association to brain imaging, scientists have taken a variety of approaches to studying the human brain’s imperfect reproductions of the past, APS William James Fellow Daniel L. Schacter says.
If Neuroscience Needs Behavior, What Does Behavioral Science Need?
According to APS William James Fellow Nora Newcombe, the answer is an investment in Big Data sets, data sharing, and standardized evaluation tools.