Is It True Smiling Improves Your Mood?
The Wall Street Journal: Is it true smiling improves your mood? We tackled that question as part of our “Is It True?” video series here at the Health Blog — you can see the video
Auch Mimik braucht Kontext
ORF Austria: Mit einem anderen Aspekt der zwischenmenschlichen Interaktion hat sich Lisa Feldman Barrett in einer aktuellen Metastudie beschäftigt, nämlich mit der Interpretation menschlicher Gesichtsausdrücke. Hunderte Studien zum Thema hat die Forscherin gesichtet und kommt
Reading faces an imperfect science
The Vancouver Sun: Millions of dollars may be being misspent on threat-detection methods that rely on facial expression recognition, according to a report this month by a noted Canadian researcher. In the October issue of
Is Serena Williams angry or ecstatic? Context is everything in reading facial emotion, say psychologists
The Daily Mail: With her mouth is wide open, teeth bared and eyes pressed tensely shut, tennis star Serena Williams looks a picture of pure anger in this close-up photograph. Has she just lost the
Context helps interpret facial emotions accurately
MSN India: A close up shows Serena Williams’ eyes tensely shut; her mouth wide open, teeth bared and her face livid. Now zoom out: The tennis star is on the court, racquet in hand, fist
In Reading Facial Emotion, Context Is Everything
In a close-up headshot, Serena Williams’ eyes are pressed tensely closed; her mouth is wide open, teeth bared. Her face looks enraged. Now zoom out: The tennis star is on the court, racket in hand