Got Anger? Try Naming It To Tame It
Over the past three years, I’ve had one major goal in my personal life: To stop being so angry. Anger has been my emotional currency. I grew up in an angry home. Door slamming and
Another Mass Shooting? ‘Compassion Fatigue’ Is A Natural Reaction
Roger Chui first learned about the mass shooting that killed 12 people in a packed bar Wednesday night in Thousand Oaks, Calif., when he woke up the morning after and turned on his phone. “And
Can You Quantify Awe?
The state of awe is an unusual and complex emotion, mixing emotions that don’t tend to go with each other, such as ecstasy and fear. Surely such a complex emotion that is so deeply personal
New Research From Psychological Science
New research exploring overlap between self- and other-oriented brain responses among altruists, spatial interference from linguistic cues, and brain structure and function in relation to action control.
The Science Behind Cultural Stigma
In ancient Greek and Latin, a stigma was a brand that marked a person, such as a slave, who was seen as inferior. Today, the word “stigma” has come to signify the invisible mark made
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring: affective flexibility and depression; decentering, affect, and psychopathology; neural response to threat and suicidal attempts; and reward sensitivity in bipolar disorder.