Different Views of Individual Differences
Only gradually over time has it has dawned on me that most cognitive psychologists, including myself, view individual differences in how people learn and remember in a markedly different way than do many laypersons and
Teaching With a Nobel-Prize Winner
I’ve had my share of rewarding classroom experiences, but the one I’ve enjoyed most has been the privilege of team-teaching a course with Nobel prize-winning physicist Ivar Giaever. The course focuses on inventions and how
Spotlight on Research: A Specific Cognitive Weakness Is Attributed to a Single Gene Deletion
Behavioral neuroscience has passed another milestone; for the first time, a specific weakness in cognitive ability has been linked to deletion of a single gene. APS Fellow Carolyn B. Mervis (Emory University) is part of
Cognitive/Perceptual Psychologist Seonghee Hong (1963-1994)