Body Representation Differs in Children and Adults
Children’s sense of having and owning a body differs from that of adults, indicating that our sense of physical self develops over time, according to a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of
Sleeping Like a Baby, Learning at Warp Speed
The Wall Street Journal: Babies and children sleep a lot—12 hours a day or so to our eight. But why would children spend half their lives in a state of blind, deaf paralysis punctuated by
New Evidence About the Building Blocks of Intelligence
Supplementing young children’s diets with fish oil, enrolling them in quality preschool, and engaging them in interactive reading all turn out to be effective ways to increase intelligence, according to a new report published in
Finding the Just-Right Level of Self-Esteem for a Child
The Wall Street Journal: A wave of recent research has pointed to the risks of overpraising a child. But for parents, drawing the line between too little praise and too much has become a high-pressure
Does Having Children Make You Happier?
NPR: There’s been a debate raging in academic circles for years. Does having children really make one happier? Most parents say their kids absolutely make them happy, but some researchers have come to question that.
Ecco come aumentare il Qi dei bambini (Increasing Children’s IQ)
La Stampa: Olio di pesce, asili di qualità e letture interattive sono la chiave per aumentare l’intelligenza dei bambini. A dirlo, una nuova ricerca pubblicata sulla rivista Perspectives on Psychological Science e proveniente dalla New