Wikipedia Searches Reveal Differing Styles of Curiosity
The website Wikipedia describes curiosity as a “quality related to inquisitive thinking, such as exploration, investigation, and learning, evident in humans and other animals.” But there is a lot more to this prime motivator for
How to Get a Party Buzz Even When You’re Not Drinking
It doesn’t matter why you’ve chosen not to drink this holiday season: Your reasons are your own, and they are good enough. But regardless of whether you are sober year-round or you’re just giving yourself
The Science Behind Why People Think They’re Right When They’re Actually Wrong
There may be a psychological reason why some people aren’t just wrong in an argument — they’re confidently wrong. … Todd Rogers, a behavioral scientist at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, likened the findings
Human Reviewers Can’t Keep Up With Police Bodycam Videos. AI Now Gets the Job
“Who will watch the watchmen?” In the age of police body cameras, the answer may be “artificial intelligence.” … “For us, it’s a game changer,” says Jennifer Eberhardt, a psychology professor at Stanford whose work on race
‘We Are Like One Artist’: These Identical Twins Are in Sync From Graffiti to Gallery
They finish each other’s sentences. They say they don’t need words to communicate. Their creativity is in sync. “We are like one artist,” says Gustavo Pandolfo. His identical twin brother Otavio nods in agreement, adding
Driving Simulation and AI Deepen Insights into Impulsivity
Lab experiments sometimes have participants engage in tasks that don’t capture the full range of behaviors people display in their day-to-day lives, but pairing realistic tasks with machine learning could help researchers more accurately assess individuals’ personality traits.