Articles Containing “education” — 2615 result(s)

In the Beginning A number of national issues will significantly impact future trends in clinical research. Just as clinical psychology and research got their first big push from the Veterans Administration just after World War

The presence of the Directorate for the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) enriches the routes through which the National Science Foundation (NSF) can serve humankind. The staff of the Directorate shares with all of

The APS membership is represented by many faculty in research universities. Research universities are both the backbone of the education of future scientist for the country and the core of current basic research. So, APS

Like the San Diego surf, the fourth annual APS convention in San Diego has come and gone, leaving behind traces of nearly perfect waves of scientific information in addition to fond memories shared by many.

Organizations remain vital and energetic by periodically reviewing their programs and objectives, and by reaffirming their fundamental values and goals. So it is too with our Society, APS. We have experienced a remarkable growth as

The announcement in this issue of the Observer that APS is convening a “Summit on Accreditation” may come as a surprise to many of our members. Why, you may be asking, is APS — the