It’s Hard Being A Highly Sensitive Person Living In This Cruel World
Let’s be honest, right now, things suck. U.S. coronavirus cases are spiking. Unemployment levels are still high, with experts warning that our economy is about to sleepwalk off a massive cliff. Despite inspiring the largest movement in U.S. history
Isolating the Elderly Is Bad for Their Health
Society hasn’t figured out how to protect the elderly from coronavirus without imposing another very real health threat: isolation. For more than 100 days in some places, residents in nursing homes and retirement communities across
Social Isolation May Increase Susceptibility to Covid-19, Scientist Claims
The psychological stress of social isolation may make people more susceptible to severe Covid-19 infection, a US scientist has claimed. Dr Sheldon Cohen, who is a psychology professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania, said
How To Build Better Virtual Connections
Before Covid-19 became an international pandemic, loneliness was already considered an epidemic in America and other parts of the world. Now people all over the world have been asked to keep to their homes for more than
Contracting COVID-19: Lifestyle and Social Connections May Play a Role
New research proposes lifestyle, social, and psychological factors may increase the risk of contracting COVID-19. [July 9, 2020]
Worried About Your Kids’ Social Skills Post-Lockdown?
Before the coronavirus pandemic began, Michael Munson’s 3-year-old son saw a group of close friends at his preschool at least a few times a week. When he wasn’t in school, he and his 1-year-old sister