Nel cervello c’è una “centralina” per le calorie del cibo (In the brain there is a “controller” for the calories of the food)
La Stampa: Il cervello è naturalmente dotato di una “centralina” per calcolare le calorie degli alimenti che elabora insieme ai dati nutrizionali, secondo uno studio basato su immagini di risonanza magnetica. La ricerca, realizzata dall’équipe
The Long and the Short of It
Psychological scientists have uncovered an alarming link between chronic stress and cellular aging. The length of our telomeres, the protective caps at the tips of our chromosomes, may foretell health risks.
Brain Wave Could Prove What People Have Seen
Discovery: What if a brain wave test could prove whether you’d walked down the street carrying a yellow umbrella? New research suggests it could: Scientists have pinpointed a specific brain wave that responds to details it
Brain Activity Provides Evidence for Internal “Calorie Counter”
As you glance over a menu or peruse the shelves in a supermarket, you may be thinking about how each food will taste and whether it’s nutritious, or you may be trying to decide what
Scientists Trying New Trick to Catch You in a Lie
ABC News: Ah, Pinocchio, where are you when we need you? How convenient it would be if a liar’s nose grew longer with every lie. Then we wouldn’t need modern science with all those brain
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Social-Network Complexity in Humans Is Associated With the Neural Response to Social Information Sarah L. Dziura and James C. Thompson Research has suggested that with an increase