Truth and Lies, Courts and Spies
Barbara A. Spellman, University of Virginia, began her presentation with a little quiz drawn from ordinary life — “Is the sky blue?” she asked. “Is the earth round? Were there weapons of mass destruction in
Motivational Speakers
Like many people, I start my day with a cup of coffee. A small vice, yes, but I have few reservations about my artificial boost of motivation. This, of course, isn’t the only thing that
Decisions, Decisions
The themed program “Risky Decision-Making Across the Lifespan” at the APS 19th Annual Convention included a symposium on everything from the neurological basis for decision-making to the wide-reaching societal implications of understanding how we make
I Need to Hold Your Hand: The Social Regulation of Emotion
Have you ever wondered why people surrounded by friends or family appear happier and healthier? Or why a mother’s hand so quickly soothes a scared child? University of Virginia researcher James Coan addressed these and
Recent Advances in False Memory Research
The “Recent Advances in False Memory Research” symposium at the APS 19th Annual Convention showcased innovative research being conducted around the world on this fascinating topic. Presenters explored complex issues surrounding the development, understanding, neural
How Beliefs About the Self Shape Personality and Behavior
Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck tells the story of Barbara Herbert and Daphne Goodship, identical twins who were separated at birth and adopted into different families, completely unaware of each other’s existence. When they were