Training to Wisely Navigate Social Conflicts
People are able to approach social conflicts more wisely if they have trained themselves in advance by practicing a distanced self-talk technique.
Seven Psychological Scientists Receive 2021 APS Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early-Career Contributions
Seven psychological scientists have been selected as the recipients of the 2021 APS Janet Taylor Spence Award.
Hypnotic Suggestions Can Make a Complex Task Easy by Helping Vision Fill in the Blanks
New research demonstrates that hypnosis can turn a normally difficult visual task into a far easier one.
Depression and Stress Could Dampen Efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccines: Interventions and Health Behavior Changes Could Boost Immunity
Health behaviors and emotional stressors can alter the body’s ability to develop an immune response to vaccines, including—potentially—the new COVID-19 vaccines.
Breakthroughs and Discoveries in Psychological Science: 2020 Year in Review
A selection of some of APS’s most newsworthy research and highly cited publications from 2020.
Why an Early Start Is Key to Developing Musical Skill Later in Life
Is there a developmental period early in life when the brain is especially receptive to musical training? The answer, according to new research published in the journal Psychological Science, is probably not.