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21989Volume 2, Issue1January 1989

About the Observer

The Observer is the online magazine of the Association for Psychological Science and covers matters affecting the research, academic, and applied disciplines of psychology. The magazine reports on issues of interest to psychologist scientists worldwide and disseminates information about the activities, policies, and scientific values of APS.

APS members receive a monthly Observer newsletter that covers the latest content in the magazine. Members also may access the online archive of Observer articles going back to 1988.

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Up Front

  • How Are We Doing? The First 120 Days

    Like other APS officers, I am constantly being asked by psychologists I run into on my professional travels how APS is doing. Letters and cards also continue to arrive from those who our recruiting efforts have not yet reached asking for information about how to join. The attention that the Society has commanded and the seriousness with which it is being taken by all sides themselves say something about how we're doing. Especially encouraging are the numbers of individuals who tell us they never joined AP A or dropped out some time ago but have decided to become part of APS. On a more tangible level, a great deal has been accomplished in the first 120 days of the Society's existence. Membership, as of this writing, is about 3000 and rising.