Hired, Fired, or Stopped by Police: The Discriminatory Stew of Intersectionality and Stereotypes
Perceptions of gender and race combine into unique stereotypes and complex patterns of discrimination.
Hired, Fired, or Stopped by Police: The Discriminatory Stew of Intersectionality and Stereotypes
Research finds that the intersecting roles of gender and race combine in unique ways to feed into simple stereotypes that can contribute to complex patterns of discrimination.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on reward effects on pain discrimination, delay of gratification, alcohol use, equity in college courses, spatial hearing in blind people, spatial navigation, effects of repetition on illusions of truth, and selective attention.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on automation and attitudes toward immigration, aging and memory decline, recognizing faces in everyday objects, the effect of pollution on unethical behavior, motor simulation, impulsivity and psychopathology, and discrimination and stereotypes.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on sexual decisions, interventions to improve educational outcomes, confidence in estimates, mindfulness and false memories, children’s stereotypes, and links between sound and meaning.
Stereotypes Harm Black Lives and Livelihoods, but Research Suggests Ways to Improve Things
The Black Lives Matter protests shaking the world have thankfully brought renewed attention not just to police brutality but to the broader role of racism in our society. Research suggests some roots of racism lie