Is Viewpoint Diversity Inherently Good for Psychological Science?
The Presidential Column by Jonathan Haidt and Lee Jussim, “Psychological Science and Viewpoint Diversity,” (Observer, February 2016) was meant to be controversial, but I question whether it was controversial in the manner intended by the
Political Polarization on Twitter Depends on the Issue
While people tend to share political information with those who have similar ideological preferences, research indicates that Twitter is more than just an “echo chamber.”
Social Interaction and Extremism
Although many radicalized religious, political, and ideological groups have used extreme tactics — such as vandalism, arson, harassment and intimidation, and cyber attacks — to try to change others’ behavior not all groups seek to
Is Racism Just a Form of Stupidity?
The Huffington Post: I think that a lot of us are shying away from an obvious truth: that the kind of blatant racial prejudice we are witnessing in Ferguson, Missouri, has everything to do with
Is Racism Just a Form of Stupidity?
I think that a lot of us are shying away from an obvious truth, that the kind of blatant racial prejudice we are witnessing in Ferguson, Missouri, has everything to do with stupidity. I’m talking