Mary Helen Immordino-Yang
University of Southern California – Brain and Creativity Institute and the Rossier School of Education www-bcf.usc.edu/~immordin/ What does your research focus on? I use an interdisciplinary approach that combines affective and social neuroscience, human development
Lindsay Malloy
Florida International University, USA http://dcc.fiu.edu What does your research focus on? My research focuses on such questions as, what do children say about the past and why? What factors influence when(or if) and how children
Amori Yee Mikami
University of Virginia, USA http://people.virginia.edu/~am4jd/ What does your research focus on? Nearly all people can remember someone from his or her own childhood who didn’t get along with the peer group. Yet, when asked why
Susanne Scheibe
University of Groningen, The Netherlands www.rug.nl/staff/s.scheibe What does your research focus on? I study how emotional experience and emotion regulation change as people age, and how such changes affect important realms of life, such as
Rising Stars
Bridgid Finn Iris Kolassa Catherine J. Norris Atsushi Senju Victoria Southgate Shannon Wiltsey Stirman Maarten Vansteenkiste Essi Viding Savio Wong Bridgid Finn Washington University, USA http://sites.google.com/site/bridgidfinn2/ What does your research focus on? My research is
Love According to Harry Harlow
Digging into the history of psychological science, the Observer has retrieved classic interviews with prominent psychological scientists for an ongoing series Psychology (Yesterday and) Today. Each interview is introduced by a contemporary psychological scientist, and