To make better food choices, wait before you decide
CTV News: Whether you choose celery or chocolate could be a question of how quickly your brain takes healthfulness into account, according to a new study by a team of neuroeconomists at the California Institute
When It Comes to Making Choices, Ignorance Really Can Be Bliss
New York Magazine: There is an established notion of the “happy idiot” — someone who doesn’t know a lot, knows he doesn’t know a lot, and doesn’t care. Think about Joey Tribbiani from Friends or Fry from Futurama.
Neural Evidence for an Internal ‘Calorie Counter’
As you peruse the shelves in a supermarket, you may be thinking about each food’s taste and nutritional value, or you may be trying to decide what you’re in the mood for. A new neuroimaging
Logic Trumps Gut Instinct in Peer Reviews of Decision Makers
When faced with making a tough decision do you tend to trust your gut, or do you logically review all the facts? In a recent study, psychological scientists Nicole L. Wood and Scott Highhouse of
Apple or Ice Cream? The Mechanics of a Healthy Choice
You’ve been trying to lose some weight, but you also get hungry for a snack in the evening. So imagine you go to the kitchen to check out your options, and you find apples and
Wann Überfluss zum Kauf motiviert (When motivated abound to purchase)
ORF Austria: Wie groß die Produktbandbreite sein sollte, um Kunden zum Kauf zu motivieren, bestimmt hauptsächlich, wie gut sie über das Produkt Bescheid zu wissen glauben. Angebot kann Lust aufs Kaufen machen – oder davon