New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Money Earlier or Later? Simple Heuristics Explain Intertemporal Choices Better Than Delay Discounting Does Keith M. Marzilli Ericson, John Myles White, David Laibson, and Jonathan D. Cohen
Royal Baby Name ‘Charlotte’ Makes Top 10 List
Live Science: For the second year in a row, more parents have donned their boys with the name Noah than any other name, the Social Security Administration announced this morning (May 8). And Emma knocked Sophia from
After Drinking, Risky Odds Become More Appealing
St. Patrick’s Day is often one of the deadliest days of the year on U.S. roads. Accompanying the local parades and green hats, a dramatic spike in alcohol-related driving fatalities is often seen during the
The Paradox of Choice, 10 Years Later
Pacific Standard: Ten years have passed since the publication of The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, a highly influential book written by the psychologist Barry Schwartz. If the title doesn’t sound familiar, the idea
Processing Speed Helps Determine Whether We Choose Carrots Over Chocolates
Every January, many people pledge to make healthier food choices a priority for the upcoming year—swapping out that slice of chocolate cake for a bag of carrot sticks. But, keeping that healthy eating resolution isn’t
Would I Wait for More Pie?
As a child, I honestly do not know if I would have eaten one marshmallow or waited for two during Walter Mischel’s famous delay-of-gratification test, affectionately known as the “marshmallow test.” What I do know