Why You Bought That Ugly Sweater
The Atlantic: There is a science to every sale. Among other findings of interest to retailers, researchers have shown that customers are drawn to items sitting on the middle of a shelf, as opposed to
Examining the Mechanics of Different Types of Choice
Have you ever noticed your attention gravitating toward the first or last item on a menu, or toward the centrally placed items on a grocery store shelf? Why does placement influence our choices and decisions?
How to Be a Better Decision Maker
Real Simple: Why is decision-making so agonizing? There’s an explosion of options in all areas of modern life—careers, wireless plans, shampoo. So we’re overwhelmed by choice? Definitely. Also, people don’t really know what they want.
Background Music Influences Buying Behavior
Background music has a surprisingly strong influence on what products consumers buy and how much they’re willing to pay for them, according to a new study from psychological scientists Adrian North and Lorraine Sheridan of
Being Choosy About Choosing
From grocery store shelves to investment offerings, the modern world offers an ever-increasing number of choices — and these options are leading to stress, said Sheena Iyengar of Columbia University at the 2015 APS Annual
Everything You Thought You Knew About Love is Wrong
TIME: My parents had an arranged marriage. This always fascinated me. I am perpetually indecisive about even the most mundane things, and I couldn’t imagine navigating such a huge life decision so quickly. I asked