How rude: When politeness backfires
Canada.com: Dr. Aidan Feeney has a few thoughts about politeness. Essentially, he thinks it has the ability to cost lives. “The more serious the situation, the more likely you are to be polite and the
Kind Words Can Lead to Harsh Consequences
MSNBC: Politeness has a place, but not in high-stakes situations, according to researchers. Whether a pilot is making an emergency flight or a doctor is trying to help a patient make a surgical decision, the
Youth vs Age: Who Makes the Better Decisions?
It’s 2031, and you are among the first humans to set foot on Mars. You and the other pioneering astronauts have discovered that there is actually a small amount of oxygen in the Martian atmosphere
Deux soirées à guichets fermés
Sud Ouest: Le centre culturel de Montignac affichait complet, vendredi et samedi, pour la deuxième mi-temps du duo Jean Bonnefon et Daniel Chavaroche. Les deux artistes étaient de retour pour présenter leur nouveau spectacle «
Good Manners are Bad for You
Express: Psychologists say that although being polite helps get us through awkward social situations, it can have hidden perils in emergencies. They found that our tendency to be vague and evasive in order to spare
The Perils of Polite Misunderstandings
Your friend debuts a questionable haircut and asks what you think of it. Brutal honesty would definitely hurt his feelings, so what do you say? Most people in this situation would probably opt for a