Letter From the Fashion Editor


This is a photo of "Charlie Sheen," April Fule's accessory Chihuahua. Isn't he to die for?!As a psychological scientist, you spend all of your time studying the Inner Being. Dare we say even to the point that the Outer You is being neglected? If I see those shiny-at-the-knee corduroys or those too-sensible-to-mention oxfords one more time, I will absolutely positively make a scene that will have even Charlie Sheen running for cover. (Charlie Sheen is the name of my accessory Chihuahua – how was I This is a photo of male model Derek Zoolander. He is really really ridiculously good looking with that glitter on his face!to know?)

Fortunately, there’s something you can do. The fashionistas at APS have thoughtfully designed this adorable little guide to everything from the latest pocket protector technology, to a runway showdown between William James and James McKeen Cattell, to hints for power posing.

Yawn...Edwin Boring.

So it’s time to Chanel your inner Fabio or Iman, break out your Ralph Lauren lab coat, and dust off those orthopedic stilettos – who says science has to be boring? Except Edwin Boring. But he is soooooo last century.


Air kisses to all,
April Fules


April Fools!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this special Fashion Supplement! While looking good is important, we’ll stick to what we know and love best: Psychological Science!

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