Articles Containing “Lee McCann” — 13 result(s)

‘Patients’ and ‘Clients’ In the wake of Roddy Roediger’s interesting discussion of the usage of “subjects” vs. “participants” in research reports, Christine Senn raised the question of referring to patients or “clients” [“Have ‘Patients,’” October

  Para más recursos de docencia en español, visite Enseñando con sus entrañas Rory O McElwee Enseñando a los estudiantes del milenio Jeff Nevid ¿Cómo deberían estudiar los estudiantes? Tips, Recomendaciones y Riesgos Regan

L’auto-correction des QCM pour l’amélioration de l’apprentissage des étudiants  Daniel Grühn and Yanhua Cheng Auteur à joindre pour la correspondance: Daniel Grühn, North Carolina State University, Department of Psychology, Campus Box 7650, Raleigh, NC 27695

Whatever is rushed to maturity will surely break down early. Whatever is accomplished in a hurry will surely be easily destroyed. (Zen Lessons, 1989, p. 33). This final Teaching Tips column under our editorship looks

A foundation for every undergraduate psychology program is a class on some form of research methods. Not only does this class provide students with tools to design experiments, but perhaps more importantly, it teaches them