Articles Containing “Elaine Barry” — 5 result(s)

2013 Convention Speakers Ted Abel Francisco Aboitiz Sara B. Algoe Adam K. Anderson David R. Andresen Toni C. Antonucci Marc Atkins Deanna Barch Pierre Barrouillet Jennifer A. Bartz John E. Bates Scott C. Bates Roy

Check back regularly for updates on additional speakers Vicki H. Abeles Arthur Aron Roya Ayman Peter Ayton Sierra Bainter Megan Bang David H. Barlow Daniel Bauer Roy F. Baumeister Margaret Beale Spencer Susan E. Becker

About Award Recipients Eligibility Requirements Application 2023-2024C. Daryl Cameron — Penn State UniversityStephanie Carlson — University of MinnesotaRobert Hampton — Emory UniversityKevin Holmes — Reed College 2022-2023Jessica Cantlon — Carnegie Mellon UniversityKenneth Bollen — University

Toys are the most frivolous things in the world and, in some ways, the most essential. No culture is entirely without toys; where mass-produced and mass-marketed toys are absent, children transform everyday objects into games